Acne Treatment

Acne treatment – your online guide to the best acne treatments

Things You Should Know About the Adult Acne

Acne vulgaris is pretty common these days. If you want to know what is acne vulgaris, then let me tell you that the acne or acne vulgaris is a general condition of the skin that causes spots. This symptom can vary from severe to mild and therefore this can affect the back, face, chest and shoulder. Though adult acne feels like a complete different situation from the acne that you have experienced as the teenager, but these are basically caused by the same factors like over secretion of the sebum in the sebaceous glands brought on the enhancement of the androgens along with the bacteria in the skin pores and a flood of the white blood cells in that area that start the healing procedure. This thing leads to the deep painful cyst or inflamed surface pimple.

Causes of adult acne

The main causes of adult acne are:

  • Birth control pills: The oral contraceptive pills contain progesterone and estrogen hormones and these hormones can control the androgen activity. Acnes flare up while the pill is stopped as the activity of androgen goes up.
  • Stress: Stress enhances the androgen level and this thing stimulates the sebaceous glands.
  • Pregnancy: During pregnancy, the level of androgenic hormone progesterone increases, causing the stimulation of the sebaceous glands.
  • Menopause: High fluctuations in the hormone level enhance the activity of the sebaceous glands and this thing results in pimples. Androgens leave a strong impact with the dropping of the estrogen level during the menopause.
  • Prescription drugs: The drugs like Lithium, Corticosteroids and Barbituates cause acne.
  • Make up and oily skin care products: Though your skin can feel good, but the additional oils in the skin care products may not be good for you. Often these oily products can cause acne by clogging the skin pores.

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